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10 day free

Take some time just for yourself.

What is 10-day WALL PILATES?

The program is designed to be your effective 10-day Wall Pilates workout routine. You can follow it anywhere and anytime, and it's accessible to all fitness levels.

It comes directly to your email with links to the lessons, so you won't waste time searching for your daily workout.


You have a practical and flexible roadmap to follow.

#2 May 2023 Pilates on the wall - total bo

You won't waste time randomly searching for wall Pilates exercises on YouTube.

You train safely with me, Certified Pilates Gym instructor and CSEN Sports Technician.

Bonus extra & digital Journal to track your progress.

Have fun trying a different style of Pilates!

This is what you get from the program

  • 10 YouTube Lessons for ten days with wall Pilates exercises, speaking Italian, delivered directly to your email.

  • Extra bonus: the Digital Journal that helps you track your progress and connect with your body.

  • Mindfulness tips and daily positive affirmations to keep your motivation high.

#7 July 2023 Pilates on the wall - flexibility and mobility.webp

You have more energy and motivation.

You'll feel better

With this free program, you'll be more likely to maintain consistency and motivation, thanks to the roadmap, digital journal, and the novelty of the workout type. Indeed, due to the use of the wall, this style of Pilates is a real anti-boredom workout.

In 10 days, the program will help you build a stronger core and body, improve your stability and balance. It's a great start to elevate your full potential!

What others are saying about my Wall Pilates lessons.

Get 10 free Wall Pilates lessons with the workout program. Available only in Italian.

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You are elevable.

elevable is your digital platform for Pilates, wellness e mindfulness.

An oasis of peace where you can take some time just for yourself,

as you deserve, to elevate yourself to your best version.


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